Saturday 3 October 2009

John Cena will defeat The Undertaker on Wrestlemania 26

As we all know, John Cena is a superman who can defeat anyone. And he will be the 1 to end the Streak on Wrestlemania 26. No doubts. There isn't a more suitable candidate on the list of WWE roster. And we all know that WWE made Cena so powerful that he won't lose. As Cena always says:"I won't quit." And The Undertaker is 45 years old in 2010. Good time for him to retire. Yes yes. The crowd will be very unhappy with this result. But Vince don't care what the fans think. If Vince do care, he would have removed Cena from the limelight when he was at the peak of being Boo-ed. Vince Mchamon is a marketing genius. The Cena haters helped spread his name even further.

Check out the following video. Be convinced.

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