Thursday 8 October 2009

John Cena can defeat The Undertaker on Wrestlemania 26 but how?

Stone Cold Steve Austin VS The Rock on Wrestlemania 19.

At that point, both wrestlers were still considered to be at their prime. In a match between 2 epics, it will either end with an interference so that none of the parties can be considered to have lost OR the match has a terrific ending. Interference is very rare on huge occasions. It's almost impossible to happen at the biggest match during WWE's biggest PPV Wrestlemania. In the match between Austin VS Rock, the ending was superb, with The Rock securing the win only after 3 rock bottoms on Stone Cold Steve Austin. This makes Austin looks good, as he is the 1st and only wrestler to ever withstand the impact of 2 rock bottoms (But the power of 2 rock bottoms is only equal to 1 attitude adjustment).

That's it! This is how it will end on Wrestlemania 26, for John Cena VS The Phenom. 1 x Knuckle Shuffle and 2 x Consecutive Attitude Adjustment, minimum. Consecutive means Cena is going to F-U The Undertaker, d0 not go for the pin, pick him up again for another F-U. Exactly the same way as how The Great One defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan with 2 consecutive rock bottoms and 1 people' elbow. See following clip at 5:35.

Yes. It will be a great show because John Cena is going to kick out from Chokeslam, Last Ride and Tombstone. Then The Undertaker gona give the super stun expression, the same look he gave when HBK Shawn Michael kicks out of the tombstone on Wrestlemania 25. See following clip at 4:43.

No. John Cena will not attempt to do any of The Undertaker's moves. Because that's not his style and he can't execute it nicely. I haven't seen anyone successfully executing the Tombstone on The Undertaker except The Fake Undertaker. See following clip at 4:45.

In the match of The Undertaker VS The Undertaker, The Real Undertaker executed 3 x Tombstone before he go for the pin. That's probably the only way for The Undertaker to beat John Cena on Wrestlemania. John Cena's Nemesis, Randy Orton attempted to do the Tombstone on The Undertaker on Wrestlemania 21 but was reversed and he lost. See following clip at 9:00.

And do check out my favourite Tombstone reversal at 1:05. Madness!

Wh0 can be bigger than John Cena after he defeated The Undertaker on Wrestlemania 26?

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