Tuesday 6 October 2009

Amazing Profile of John Cena

John Cena is born on year 1977. As of year 2009, he is 32 years old, which is remarkably young for a 6 times World Champion, 3 times US champion, 2 times World Tag Team champion (With HBK and Batista) and 1 time Royal Rumble winner.

Stone Cold Steve Austin is also a 6 times World Champion. But considering the number of years Austin had been in this industry, John Cena's achievement is simply amazing. The Undertaker is a 7 times World Champion. At such a young age, John Cena definitely has the potential to surpass Triple H, who is currently a 13 times World Champion. I dare predict that he will be 20 times World Champion before the age of 40, the biggest wrestler that WWE has ever pushed. He would also be the winner for the Royal Rumble from year 2011 to 2021. But he won't be the winner for Royal Rumble 2010 so that he could face and defeat the Undertaker on Wrestlemania 26.

Cena's rap album debuted at #15 on the US Billboard 200 chart, and he starred in the feature films The Marine (2006) and 12 Rounds (2009).

An accomplished wrestler, an actor and singer. That's not all. In the years to come, he will be hosting Grammy Awards, dancing, UFC-ing and cooking.

John Cena. What's Next?

For more information, refer to

Check out his handsome face as follows.

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