Saturday 10 October 2009

John Cena can do the most dangerous stunts

Little was known about John Cena before he started training to become a professional wrestler in 2000. He was actually a stuntman with the JC team (Jackie Chan Team).

Check out the ridiculous stunt which he did at the age of 19 for The Police Story. He have to wear a black wig durng the execution. However, it was claimed by Jackie Chan that the stunt was done by him. Only the insiders (JohnCenaBlogspot) knows the secrets.

With his guts, he probably could fight a lion with his bare hands.

John Cena. What's next?

John Cena - The best entrance video of all times

When it comes to the longest ring entrance, no one can ever beat The Undertaker. The average entrance time for The Undertaker is approximately 4 minutes, from the time when his music starts playing, to the time he shows his scary face on the ring.

The Ultimate Warrior has the shortest ring entrance ever, which takes around 5 seconds, depending on the distance from the entrance to the ring. It's so fast that it makes no sense for WWE to create an entrance video for him. The speed at which these 2 legends travel to the stage made all the difference. 1 walked slowly and the other sprint.

I just realized John Cena and The Ultimate Warrior have a common move - Running leaping shoulder block. No wonder they are both legends.

John Cena, the wrestling prodigy, deserves the greatest credit for having the best Entrance Video ever. The Champ is here, the time is now.

What else is missing from Perfection?

The origin of the Attitude Adjustment

In 2003, when John Cena was in a feud with Brock Lesnar, he unveiled a new finishing maneuver, FU, which was similar to Brock Lesnar's F5. Here at JohnCenacan.blogspot, we reveal what inspired John Cena to the most devastating maneuver ever created in the wrestling industry - Attitude Adjustment.

One day, John Cena was playing his favourite game..

John Cena - Probably the most creative person in the wrestling industry

Bobby Lashley Lookalike

Now now now, tell me. Which is Bobby Lashley from TNA and which is Wayne Brady from Don't Forget The Lyrics?

Thursday 8 October 2009

John Cena can defeat The Undertaker on Wrestlemania 26 but how?

Stone Cold Steve Austin VS The Rock on Wrestlemania 19.

At that point, both wrestlers were still considered to be at their prime. In a match between 2 epics, it will either end with an interference so that none of the parties can be considered to have lost OR the match has a terrific ending. Interference is very rare on huge occasions. It's almost impossible to happen at the biggest match during WWE's biggest PPV Wrestlemania. In the match between Austin VS Rock, the ending was superb, with The Rock securing the win only after 3 rock bottoms on Stone Cold Steve Austin. This makes Austin looks good, as he is the 1st and only wrestler to ever withstand the impact of 2 rock bottoms (But the power of 2 rock bottoms is only equal to 1 attitude adjustment).

That's it! This is how it will end on Wrestlemania 26, for John Cena VS The Phenom. 1 x Knuckle Shuffle and 2 x Consecutive Attitude Adjustment, minimum. Consecutive means Cena is going to F-U The Undertaker, d0 not go for the pin, pick him up again for another F-U. Exactly the same way as how The Great One defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan with 2 consecutive rock bottoms and 1 people' elbow. See following clip at 5:35.

Yes. It will be a great show because John Cena is going to kick out from Chokeslam, Last Ride and Tombstone. Then The Undertaker gona give the super stun expression, the same look he gave when HBK Shawn Michael kicks out of the tombstone on Wrestlemania 25. See following clip at 4:43.

No. John Cena will not attempt to do any of The Undertaker's moves. Because that's not his style and he can't execute it nicely. I haven't seen anyone successfully executing the Tombstone on The Undertaker except The Fake Undertaker. See following clip at 4:45.

In the match of The Undertaker VS The Undertaker, The Real Undertaker executed 3 x Tombstone before he go for the pin. That's probably the only way for The Undertaker to beat John Cena on Wrestlemania. John Cena's Nemesis, Randy Orton attempted to do the Tombstone on The Undertaker on Wrestlemania 21 but was reversed and he lost. See following clip at 9:00.

And do check out my favourite Tombstone reversal at 1:05. Madness!

Wh0 can be bigger than John Cena after he defeated The Undertaker on Wrestlemania 26?

John Cena can only use 30% of his strength

Before a match with John Cena in the backstage, his opponent will always remind him to use only 30% of his strength during the match.

During the match, the referee will keep reminding John Cena the same thing every 10 minutes.

In fact, it's so serious that it's written in the contract that John Cena can only use at most 40% of his strength during a match.

The creative team always ask John Cena's approval in the plans that they have for him. They can't afford to screw him up. No one dares to.

No. Not because he is amazing or famous or charismatic.

Here's why. Check out the amazing ability that he possess.

John Cena can defeat anyone in a Gauntlet Match

The amazing John Cena defeated Y2J, Big Show and Randy Orton in a Gauntlet match.

Giving his incredible strength and "I don't quit" attitude, he should have no problem winning a Gauntlet match against anyone.

1. John Cena VS Jackie Chan, Jet Lee and Bruce Lee in a Gauntlet match
John Cena is gona give the super shagged look after Jackie Chan executed all the monkey, snake, hyena, crane, tiger and dragon fists. Then all of a sudden, he fireman lift Jackie Chan and we know it's over. Jet Lee probably just run away in fear after see-ing that.

2. John Cena VS Fedor Emelianenko, Mirko Filipovic & Antonio Rodirgo Nogueira in a Gauntlet match
John Cena is gona run into the ring, give each of them a leaping shoulder block, and close the game.

3. John Cena VS Goldberg, Brock Lesnar and Utimate Warrior in a Gauntlet match
These 3 wrestlers were never truly defeated during their career. But none of them will be able to withstand the destructive impact of the Knuckle Shuffle. The Knuckle Shuffle is actually under-rated due to all the sweeping of shoulders and twisting his body left & right before he execute the move. But very few knows that John Cena is actually doing all those seemingly silly gestures to transfer all the energy to his knuckles.